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New Codes or false codes

After careful study and investigation, we came to the conclusion that the set of Symbolic Codes issues published after the prophet V. T. Houteff's death, by the association run by his wife Florence, a series of publication known as the "New Codes", are a deceptive infiltration of error mixed into the truth. We believe, moreover, that they cannot be authenticated as authentic sermons given by the prophet himself. On top of that, even if they were to be so, no authority has been given by the prophet to publish them as part of the Rod, the way sister White commended concerning her Manuscript Releases. We thus have opted not to include them as part of the Shepherd's Rod literature, and we thus publish them here separately, for investigation purposes, along with articles warning about their fallacy.

For articles about them click on the links below:

Article presented to Waco Association Bible Research Committee

Article by upa7.org

To read the "False Codes" click on the following:


-Vol. 10 SC # 7 May, 1955 (Waco TX) An Unpublished Letter Of Interest

-Vol. 11 SC # 2 December, 1955 (Waco TX) The Three Requisites To Victory

-Vol.11 SC # 3 January, 1956 (Waco TX) What Price The Extra Oil?

-Vol. 11 SC # 4 February, 1956 (Waco TX) How Important Is Time?

-Vol. 11 SC # 6 April, 1956 (Waco TX) Faith and Work Bring Rest

-Vol. 11 SC # 7 May 1956 (Waco TX) The Necessity for the Sealing

-Vol. 11 SC # 8 June, 1956 (Waco TX) Jonah and the People of God

-Vol.11 SC # 12 October, 1956 (Waco TX) The Kingdom of Heaven Likened unto Ten Virgins

-Vol.12 SC # 1 November, 1956 (Waco TX) The Chronological Order and Explanation of Some Isaiah Chapters

-Vol. 12 SC # 2 December, 1956 (Waco TX) When and How the Work is to Be Finished. Sign Posts along the way.

-Vol. 12 SC # 3 January, 1957 (Waco TX) What We May be if We Work with God and Let Him Work With Us

-Vol.12 SC # 4 February, 1957 (Waco TX) What Brings Success?

-Vol. 12 SC # 5 March, 1957 (Waco TX) A Study In Typology

-Vol. 12 SC # 6,7 April-May; June-July, 1957 (Waco TX) Baptism with Water, Baptism with Fire and the Lord's Supper

-Vol. 12 SC # 8,9 June-July, 1957 (Waco TX) Isaiah 28

-Vol. 13 SC # 1,2 November-December, 1957 (Waco TX) World Conditions When God's People Delivered

-Vol. 13 SC # 3,4 January-February, 1958 (Waco TX) The Latter-Day Confederacy

-Vol. 13 SC # 5,6 March-April, 1958 (Waco TX) The Observance of the Sabbath

-Vol. 13 SC # 7,8 May-June, 1958 (Waco TX) Questions Answered on Sabbath Observance--part#2

-Vol. 13 SC # 9,10 July-August,1958 (Waco TX) Questions Answered on Sabbath Observance--part #3

-Vol. 13 SC # 11,12 September- October, 1958 (Waco TX) Questions Answered on Sabbath Observance--part#4