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Answerer zip

Tracts 1-15 zip

Timely Greetings vol. 1, 2 zip

Misc. Tracts zip

Shepherds Rod vol. 1, 2

Topic Index

Symbolic Codes 1st, 2nd

The DLI file is ready to print format, first print odd pages and than flip the pages and place them in the printer to print the even pages...fold and staple......

D L I  1953

Davidian Levitical Institute

Download the Shepherds Rod CD


Davidian Song book jpeg image

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To download only the folio file


To download the Shepherds Rod CD; first double click the blue where it says Shepherds Rod CD. second if you don't have the program to dicompress the folder double click on the 7z which is in blue right on the same cell. Just dicompress the folder and double click the SETUP.EXE.  This program works with Window XP.. For the use of the Folio File only one can purchase the EGW 2008 CD which can work with Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7