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God Saved Dam II
(Our Drinking Water)
(They prayed on the lowest spot by the dam)
The camp area is in the foreground.  You will notice Highway 6 in the distance.
In April of 1943 the dam almost broke.  The City of Waco sent out 300 CC men to sandbag the breaking area.  They would not go out on the dam because of the danger.  So we fed them and sent them back.  

After they were gone, Brother Houteff, called all the heads of families to gather by the dam. They knelt in the mud to ask God's protection while they sandbagged the breaking area. 

When the prayer was over Brother Houteff said the  
dam would not break, that it was safe to sandbag the area.  They did so for about 36 hours without stopping. Our Mircle!! 

Our Mircle!!!
Our mircle is seen here in this picture.  You will notice all the water being held back by the soft dirt with no rocks visible to hold back that large body of water.  God understood our lack of knowledge and blessed our efforts in making the dam.
More of the dirt was sliding away from the dam.



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